Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Indonesia Is Most Strategic Market

Indonesia Is Most Strategic Market
Indonesia Is Most Strategic Market - BECOME most populated countries in Southeast Asia, making Indonesia a very potential target market among the world economy. Currently, at least consumptive value of Indonesian society is still the highest compared to Singapore and Malaysia, two major competitor countries in Southeast Asia.
This fact makes Indonensia be in two mutually road. The one hand, a lot of market share could become a magnet for foreign entrepreneurs to invest in the homeland. Also can stimulate small and medium industries, which is currently a serious support system of the economy.
Unfortunately, on the other hand, Indonesia could be only a spectator and consumer status alone, without being able to enjoy what he owned. "Indonesia is the most strategic markets, because selling anything here must conduct, at least one is interested. Compare with other ASEAN countries, not necessarily all of them go. It's an opportunity and a weakness. The investment climate here has not run a hundred percent, and we must immediately change it, "said Anangga Roosdiono, Chairman of the ASEAN Business Advisory Council or ASEAN Business Advisory Board.
According to him, the side that now concern is to change the performance of Indonesia as consumers become producers, with the annexed areas of other states. "We have to penetrate into other countries, and it must be done immediately. I think we have the strength, especially since we have the extraordinary natural resources ," he said.
19 th ASEAN Summir could be a positive thing to establish Indonesia as a determinant in Southeast Asia. "We can do the bargaining position of some countries, and that we would do with a good approximation. We will change the paradigm of strategic markets, becoming the strategic suplier country," said Anangga.

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